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The Broda O. Barnes, M.D. Research Foundation, Inc.
bookstore is brought to you in association with Each title
listed has been carefully chosen for its subject matter and educational
value. To order any of these books through either or in some
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The books are divided into two categories. Click on the the category
you are interested in:
Special Note: Many of the authors listed have been guest lecturers for
teaching seminars sponsored by the Barnes Foundation. These lectures are
available for purchase on our Audio/Video page.
Books on
Hypothyroidism: The Unsuspected Illness
by Broda O. Barnes, M.D., Ph.D.
& Lawrence Galton
Low Thyroid Function -
How it may be Affecting Your
Body, Your Emotions, Your Life
Why this book is worth
reading: The only one of its kind, Hypothyroidism: The
Unsuspected Illness, is the most informative book on thyroid function
available. Dr. Barnes' humorous, easy-to-understand writing allows
readers to easily identify themselves and their symptoms. It explains the
genesis of hypothyroidism as well as the current controversies between
natural and synthetic thyroid replacement therapies. This book is a
must-read for anyone who has or suspects they have a thyroid problem.
Table of Contents
# B01- $29.00 Jacket Copy
Hope for Hypoglycemia
by Broda O. Barnes, M.D., Ph.D. and Charlotte W.
Barnes, A.M.
Hypoglycemia: It’s not Your Mind, it’s Your
Why this book is worth
reading: This book explains the connection between hypothyroidism
and hypoglycemia. Didn't think there was one? Not according to Dr.
Barnes. Hypothyroidism is known to cause sluggish liver function which
can result in the condition of hypoglycemia. You'll learn how correcting
a problem of low thyroid function can not only improve hypoglycemia but
can also become preventive medicine for much more serious conditions such
as diabetes.
Table of Contents Order
# B02- $20.00
Solved: The Riddle of Heart Attacks
by Broda O. Barnes, M.D., Ph.D. and Charlotte W.
Barnes, A.M.
Prevention of Heart Attacks: The Key to Progress
in Medicine
Why this book is worth
reading: Prevention of illness and disease was equally as
important to Dr. Barnes as treating an existing condition. Way ahead of
its time, this book describes the correlation between hypothyroidism and
such conditions as hardening of the arteries and heart attacks. It is
only recently that the medical community is beginning make strides to
understanding what Dr. Barnes knew to be true many years ago. Updated
foreword by best-selling author Barry Sears, Ph.D.
Table of Contents
Order#B03 - $20.00
Safe Uses of Cortisol
by William Mck. Jefferies, M.D., F.A.C.P.
Why this book is worth
reading: In this second edition book, Dr. Jefferies continues to
put to rest the fears associated with cortisone or hydrocortisone
replacement therapy. A deficiency in these normal adrenal hormones
can result in a wide variety of disorders. He emphasizes the differences
between treatment with large pharmacological dosages and small
physiologic dosages. If you have any negative connotations
associated with cortisone therapy you must read this book.
Table of Contents Soft
Cover - Order J01- $59.00
Maximising Manhood: Beating the Male Menopause
by Dr. Malcolm Carruthers, M.D., FRC Path, MRCGP
Why this book is worth
reading: Dr. Malcolm Carruthers is one of the world's leading
authorities on testosterone replacement therapy and male menopause. Dr.
Carruthers dares to pose the question, "Do men need hormone
replacement therapy?" He has dedicated many years of research and
clinical practice to making male menopause recognized as a true hormone
deficiency state. Dr. Carruthers has further proven that the treatment is
safe, simple and offers profound results to men who are suffering
Table of Contents
Jacket Copy
Listening To Your Hormones
by Gillian Ford
From PMS to Menopause, Every Woman's Complete
Why this book is worth
reading: In this practical, solution-filled resource, women's
health educator Gillian Ford empowers women by giving them the facts.
Listening to Your Hormones illustrates the pervasive role hormones play in
women's lives and reveals how to form a successful partnership with a
doctor to find treatments that work.
Table of Contents
Jacket Copy
Natural Hormone Replacement
by Jonathan V. Wright, M.D. &
John Morgenthaler
For Women Over 45 - The Safe and Natural
Menopause Treatment Alternative
Why this book is worth
reading: This informative book gives women the knowledge they
need to make educated decisions about their body and choosing a hormone
replacement therapy right for them. You will learn about the benefits and
side effects associated with conventional and natural hormone replacement
therapies. If you are over 45 and confused about hormone replacement
therapy, this is the book to read.
Table of Contents
Preventing and Reversing Osteoporosis
by Alan R. Gaby, M.D.
What You Can Do About Bone Loss
Why this book is worth
reading: Learn the whole story about Osteoporosis and
increasing bone mass. Dr. Gaby offers his expert knowledge on this
subject and details his approach to treatment clearly. You'll learn there
are many contributing factors that result in bone loss and what you
can do to properly identify and treat these problems.
Table of Contents
Jacket Copy

Overcoming Arthritis , Holistic Treatments That Can
Cure Arthritis,CFS Fibromyalgia
by David Brownstein, M.D.
Why this book is worth
Overcoming Arthritis
will give hope to those suffering from many chronic conditions. This book
will show how you can learn to use safe and effective therapies to regain
your health
Information Copy
Soft Cover - Order# BR02 - $20.00

Overcoming Thyroid Disorders
by David Brownstein, M.D.
Why this book is worth
Overcoming Thyroid
Disorders provides information on safe and effective natural therapies to
help the body heal itself. Dr. Brownstein provides over 30 actual case
studies of his success in treating thyroid disorders.
Information Copy
Soft Cover - Order# BR03 - $20.00
The Miracle
of Natural Hormones
by David Brownstein, M.D.
With Over 40 Actual Case Studies
Why this book is worth reading: This
easy-to-read book offers information on the use of natural hormone
replacement therapies including, desiccated thyroid, DHEA, progesterone,
estrogens, testosterone, melatonin, hydrocortisone and human growth
hormone. Dr. Brownstein discusses the details of over 40 case histories
of patients from his private practice and includes dosage and side-effect
information. This is a very educational book for anyone interested in
natural hormone replacement therapies.
Soft Cover - Order# BR01 - $20.00
The Testosterone Revolution: Rediscover Your Energy and Overcome the Symptoms of Male Menopause
by Malcolm Carruthers
See reviews at
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