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Special Note: Many of the authors listed have been guest lecturers for
teaching seminars sponsored by the Barnes Foundation. These lectures are
available for purchase on our Audio/Video page.
Books on Diets
The Zone
by Barry Sears, Ph.D. with Bill Lawren
A Dietary Road Map To Lose Weight Permanently,
Prevent Disease, Enhance Mental Productivity
Why this book is worth
reading: On the New York Times Bestseller List
since it first came out, The Zone explains the science behind
dietary endocrinology. Dr. Sears teaches us about the basics - fat,
protein and carbohydrate - what's good and what's bad. In reading
this book you too can become an expert on the most powerful drug known to
mankind - Food!
Table of Contents
Jacket Copy
Mastering The Zone
by Barry Sears, Ph.D.
The Next Step in Achieving SuperHealth and
Permanent Fat Loss
Why this book is
worth reading: Also a
New York Times Bestseller, Dr. Sears' second book simplifies how to
get into and stay in the Zone. Here, he provides a vast array of tools,
techniques and tricks that will help you achieve SuperHealth. The book
also contains a practical, step-by-step guide along with handy Zone rules
of thumb, and over 150 mouthwatering Zone recipes. You'll also learn
tricks for ordering in, dining out and shopping while effortlessly staying
in the Zone.
Table of Contents Jacket Copy
Zone Perfect Meals in
by Barry Sears, Ph.D.
The Next Step in Achieving SuperHealth and
Permanent Fat Loss
Why this book is
worth reading: Still think it's too hard to
get into the Zone? Well, here's the latest - Nicknamed "The Zone for
Dummies," this book is the simplest way to get into the Zone and stay
there permanently! Even if you are already in the Zone, this book will
give you great tips and delicious recipes to keep you on the right road -
the road to SuperHealth!
Table of Contents
Jacket Copy
Eat Right For Your Type
by Peter J. D'Adamo, N.D. with Catherine Whitney
4 Blood Types, 4 Diets — The Individualized
Solution to Staying Healthy,
Living Longer and Achieving Your Ideal Weight
Why this book is worth
reading: This is an exciting approach to diet and health. Dr.
D'Adamo explains that what we should eat and how we should exercise is
directly connected to our blood type. He offers practical information
along with a very detailed food listing for each blood type as well as the
science behind the theory. This book is a real eye-opener, even if you
consider yourself a healthy person.
Table of Contents
Jacket Copy
Protein Power
by Michael R. Eades, M.D. and Mary Dan Eades, M.D.
Lose Fat, Feel Fit and Stop Craving
Why this book is worth
reading: The Dr.'s Eades' have been successfully working with
weight loss for many years. They also incorporate the importance of
correcting an existing thyroid problem into their regime to help battle
the problem of excess body fat. Their book is written in an
easy-to-follow format which allows you to start the program right away.
Table of Contents
Jacket Copy
The Doctor's Complete Guide To Vitamins and Minerals
by Mary Dan Eades, M.D.
Why this book is worth
reading: Don't let the title fool you! This book is a must-have
for anyone who is nutritionally minded, not just doctors. It is very
user-friendly and lists hundreds of diseases, disorders, and conditions
associated with deficiencies in vitamins and minerals. A great
reference book for any home.
Table of Contents
Jacket Copy
The Low-Carb Cookbook
by Fran McCullough
The Complete Guide to the Low-Carbohydrate
Why this book is worth
reading: If you're into eating the low-carb way, then you'll love
this book. In this very unique cookbook, Fran McCullough includes her
life experiences which brought her to the low-carb way of eating and
details her failures and successes in a very open and honest way. There
is also quite a bit of information on thyroid disorders and their
connection between loosing weight. Even if your already successful at
low-carb eating, you won't want to miss the recipes in this book!
Table of Contents
Jacket Copy

Low-Carb: The Complete Guide to Long-Term Low-Carb
by Fran McCullough, Frances Monson McCullough
Editorial Review from
As many enthusiasts
have discovered, it's easy to lose weight on the low-carb diet. But
keeping the weight off requires an ongoing commitment--not an easy feat
when faced with dieting drudgery, dinners out, holiday gatherings, and
demoralizing eating binges. While many low-carb diet books offer the
initial thrill of weight loss, this book is a lifelong manual, offering
tips and guidance to keep readers committed for the long haul.
See more info at

The Healing Miracles of Coconut Oil
by Bruce Fife
Reviewer: A reader from Las Cruces,
Fife proceeds early in the book with an anecdote. In response to his
assertion to dinner friends that coconut oil is the healthiest oil one can
use, one of them countered that "Coconut oil is unhealthy; it can cause
heart disease," to which Fife replied, "That must be why all the Pacific
Islanders died off hundreds of years ago.
Fife takes the reader carefully through the
chemistry of fats with brevity and clarity. Lay readers can easily
understand him as they are led through an explanation of the differences
between the various fats.
Soft Cover
Order #F02 $18.00
Iodine by David Brownstein, M.D.
Why you need it. Why you can't live without it.
Soft Cover - Order# BR04 - $20.00
Salt by David Brownstein, M.D.
Metabolic Effects of Sodium on
Soft Cover - Order# BR05 - $20.00
Fatigued to Fantastic by Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D. Effective
Treatments for Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia
Soft Cover - Order# T01 - $20.00
Through Joy by Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D.
Three Steps to Happiness!
Soft Cover - Order# T02 - $20.00
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