To contact us:
Broda O. Barnes, M.D.
Research Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box
Trumbull, CT 06611
Phone: 203-261-2101
Fax: 203-261-3017

The Society is for primary and specialty care physicians interested in
learning about the diagnosis and treatment of endocrine dysfunctions.
Find out how you can play a part in diagnosis and
treatment of endocrine dysfunctions in an effort to improve the overall
health of mankind...
About Broda O.
Barnes, M.D., Ph.D.
Every day at the
Foundation, we are continually reminded of the wisdom of Dr. Barnes'
philosophy - "Health begins and ends with the proper balance of the
endocrine system."
Broda O. Barnes, M.D.,
Ph.D. dedicated more that 50 years of his life to researching, teaching
and treating thyroid and related endocrine dysfunctions in this country
and abroad.
Dr. Barnes earned degrees
in chemistry and biochemistry and a doctorate in the physiology of the
thyroid. He as a National Research Council Fellow, and taught physiology
at the University of Chicago. He received his medical degree from Rush
Medical College in Chicago and became an assistant professor of medicine
at the University of Illinois.
In addition to many years
of successful private medical practice, Dr. Barnes published four books
and authored over 100 research papers on the subject of thyroid and
endocrine abnormalities.
Mrs. Helen T. Barnes, R.N.
assisted Dr. Barnes for many years in his private practice. Together they
founded the Broda O. Barnes, M.D. Research Foundation, Inc. in 1984.
About the Broda O.
Barnes, M.D. Research Foundation, Inc.
The Broda O. Barnes, M.D.
Research Foundation, Inc. is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to
education, research and training in the fields of thyroid and endocrine
Imbalances of the endocrine
system can have many different physical manifestations. Patients can
suffer from a wide variety of symptoms and no two patients may suffer the
same symptoms. Some of the more common problems can include: Fatigue,
Depression, Dry skin, PMS, Infertility, Repeated infections, Hair loss,
Weight gain/loss, Allergies, Hypertension, Cancer, Multiple Sclerosis,
Memory loss, Arthritis.
The Foundation continues to
teach Dr. Barnes' methods which have proven to be safe, simple and
relatively inexpensive. Also, the Foundation sponsors lectures and
seminars to the lay public and the medical community. The Foundation
offers educational materials including books, reprints and information
packets along with audio and video tapes on many different subjects with
relation to the endocrine system.
About the Broda O.
Barnes, M.D. Membership Society
We have been asked
repeatedly over the past few years to establish a Membership opportunity
for those interested in the work of Dr. Barnes. To that end we are please
to introduce the Broda O. Barnes, M.D. Membership Society. Membership in
the Society will provide even greater access to the works of Dr. Barnes as
well as to all of the current scientific work in the areas of thyroid and
endocrine imbalances.
The Broda. O. Barnes, M.D.
Membership Society is designed to act as a collegial society fostering the
sharing and exchange of information and ideas among the membership. Those
who join the Broda O. Barnes, M.D. Membership Society will have advance
notice and discounts to all of the lectures, seminars, books,
audio/videotapes, and reprints available now and in the future.
Broda O. Barnes, M.D.
Membership Society Benefits
The Broda O. Barnes, M.D.
Membership Society is the most comprehensive resource for information of
hormonal disorders. Membership in the Society offers access to a great
wealth of information, and your membership helps us to continue to support
the lifework of Dr. Barnes, which in turn will effect the overall health
of mankind. The Broda O. Barnes, M.D. Membership Society will meet the
needs of its members in several ways, including:
- Annual Fall Conference
- Annual Spring Conference
- Educational Workshop
(under development)
- Membership Newsletter
- Web site
- Information Services
- Membership Certificate
(suitable for framing)
- Discounted Educational
Materials - books, reprints, audio/visual tapes
Membership Categories
and Dues
Active Members: MD,
$250.00 Year One - $195.00 Annually
Allied Membership:
Open to allied health care professionals
$170.00 Year One - $120.00 Annually
Student: Resident,
Intern, Student
$50.00 Annually
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1. Each application
will be evaluated through the Broda O. Barnes, M.D. Membership Society
Application Process.
2. Submit completed
application to the Broda O. Barnes, M.D. Membership Society, P.O. Box
110098, Trumbull, CT 06611
3. Applicants will
notified of the membership action in writing.
If you are interested in joining the Barnes
Membership Society and would like to receive a membership application,
please email your request to us at
and we will forward the application to you in the mail. Please be sure
to include your complete name and mailing address.
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Join Our Membership Society!

3 levels of
Active Members: MD, DO, ND, DVM, DDS, DPM
Membership: PhD, DC, RD, CCN, LAc, LSW
Medical Students:
Resident, Intern, Student
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