To contact us:
Broda O. Barnes, M.D.
Research Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box
Trumbull, CT 06611
Phone: 203-261-2101
Fax: 203-261-3017

Other Resources
Here are some links to related sites
which we feel are very informative. We have divided the listing up by
topics to help you choose a site that is best suited to your needs. Of
course, you can always just check them ALL out!
William Mck. Jefferies, M.D.
Dr. Jefferies is an endocrinologist who
has dedicated many years of research to the function of the adrenal
glands. His work has stimulated clinicians to reevaluate their fears
about cortisone therapy and forces them to realize the beneficial effects
of treatment. He has published many articles and two books on the
subject. You can find some of his article reprints and several audio and
video tapes of his lectures on our page titled
A/V Reprints. You will also find his latest book on our
Gold Cross Medical Services
- web site of Malcolm Carruthers, M.D. of London, England - author of
the book Maximizing Manhood: Beating the Male Menopause. Dr.
Carruthers is a leading authority on diagnosis and treatment of
testosterone deficiencies in men. You can purchase Dr. Carruthers' book
from our Bookstore
and audio/video tapes of his lectures on our
A/V Reprints page.
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Women's Health Connection
- helping women gain knowledge and independence in dealing with one of
life's most personal issues -- good health.
Center for Hormonal Health
Directed by Gillian Ford, author of the book Listening To Your
Hormones. This book is very informative and offers the reader a
greater insight into the powerful effect the hormones have on the body.
Click here for more details on this book.
Thyroid Disease Web Site -
Hosted by Mary Shomon, this site is loaded with great information on
thyroid disorders.
The Nutran Newsletter - A
health newsletter which is published in HTML, and designed for you to read
with your web browser.
Thyroid UK - An
International support group site dedicated to helping patients who suffer
from thyroid, adrenal and other endocrine dysfunction.
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Women's International
Pharmacy - specializing in custom compounded prescriptions used in
natural hormone replacement therapies and adrenal support for men and
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Dr. Sears- the official Web Site of
Dr. Barry Sears - author of the best-selling book series of "Zone" books,
Dr. Sears' dietary guidelines have revolutionized the world of diet and
nutrition. Visit our
Bookstore for a look at all
of his books.
Peter D'Adamo Web Site
- author of
the book Eat Right for Your Type. This site has an abundance of
information on blood types and diets. You can even purchase a home blood-
typing kit! Visit our
Bookstore if you would like
to purchase a copy of this fascinating book.
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