To contact us:
Broda O. Barnes, M.D.
Research Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box
Trumbull, CT 06611
Phone: 203-261-2101
Fax: 203-261-3017
Professional Order Form
The fee for each information packet is $18.00.
Residents outside the United States please add $3.00 per packet. All
payments must be made in US currency. To order, please print the
following form, complete and return it to:
Barnes Foundation
P.O. Box 110098
Trumbull, CT 06611
Credit card payments may be faxed 24 hours a day
____ My first time contacting the Foundation
____ I have contacted the Foundation before
____ Please change my address
____ Please include information on 24-Hour Urine
First Name: _____________________ Middle Initial:
Last Name: _______________________
Degree: ___________
Affiliation: ___________________________________________
City: __________________ State: _______
Zip Code: ______________
Country: ________________________
Home Phone: ____________________
Work Phone: _________________
Fax Phone: _____________________
e-mail address: ________________
Please indicate total amount ____________
How would you like to pay?
Check or Money Order Enclosed
(payable to Barnes Foundation) _____________________
Credit Card (please circle one)
Visa Amex Diners JCB Discover
Account # __________________________________________
Expiration Date ________ Signature
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