To contact us:
Broda O. Barnes, M.D.
Research Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box
Trumbull, CT 06611
Phone: 203-261-2101
Fax: 203-261-3017
General Order Form
The fee for each information packet is $18.00. Residents outside the United
States please add $3.00 per packet. All payments must be made in US
currency. To order, please print the following form, complete and return it
Barnes Foundation
P.O. Box 110098
Trumbull, CT 06611
Credit card payments may be faxed 24 hours a day
to: 203-261-3017
____ My first time contacting the Foundation
____ I have contacted the Foundation before
____ Please include information on 24-Hour Urine
____ Please include a list of referral physicians in my state
_____ Mr _____Ms _____ Mrs
First Name: __________________
Last Name: ____________________
City: __________________ State: _______
Zip Code: ______________
Country: ________________________
Home Phone: ____________________
Work Phone: _________________
Fax Phone: _____________________
e-mail address: ________________
Please indicate total amount ____________
Check or Money Order Enclosed
(payable to Barnes Foundation)_________
Credit Card (please circle one) MasterCard Visa Amex
Diners JCB Discover
Account #___________________________________________
Expiration Date _________
Signature ________________________
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